Language accessibility and multi-language events are covered by 4 services we support:

How it works

  1. set up your event to support languages and interpreters
  2. interpreters join the event and they start broadcasting an alternate audio track
  3. attendees access and alternate audio track in a specific language

How to set up your event to support interpreters

Hypersay Events has built-in support for spoken and sign language interpreters. Which means you don't have to setup or manage an external system. In order to make your event interpretation-ready, follow these steps:


<aside> 🌐 Note: all language services, including Interpreters, are available exclusively for Stages (both Studio or RTMP-enabled) and not for Spaces.


How interpreters broadcast for a specific language

Once the event is set up correctly, the platform will now recognise a specific attendee as having the extra role of interpreter for a specific languages. (e.g. "Brian Daly is an interpreter for English to Arabic"). Once Brian join the live event, the platform will automatically provide the required tools to accomplish the task. When accessing that specific interpreters-enabled Stage, Brian will now see some specific controls:

CleanShot 2021-09-20 at 15.11.16@2x.png

Interpreters can start / join only the audio calls for the languages assigned to them. The call accepts as many interpreters as necessary. Interpreters can listen to their colleagues or pick up from where they stopped. The audio call is being broadcasted automatically to all attendees as an alternate audio track in that specific language.