<aside> đź“Ś All digital events hosted on Hypersay Events have a status reflecting their current condition. In this document we explain each status, what they mean and what actions are available.


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When you create a new digital event in Hypersay Events, the default status is Draft. As you continue working on your event, this status can manually or automatically change.

Status What is means Actions
Draft The event has just been created, now you typically add essential information like sessions start / end date, event description and cover image. Once you have the essential information set up, you can Publish the event. See below https://hypersay.notion.site/Digital-events-lifecycle-469cc2f5cc9b42edaa079d633f75d015
Published A published event automatically exposes an event page that is publicly accessible. Now your attendees can use this page to get tickets and later access the live event. A published event will automatically progress to a “Live” status once the event is live. However, before going live, you can still “Suspend” the event page as an extreme measure. This will temporarily remove the public event page.
Suspended An event in suspended state removes the event page from public view. You can still make any changes that you want to the event itself but they won’t be visible to attendees anymore. Once changes are done, you can publish the event again and re-create the public page of your event.
Live Hypersay Events will automatically set the state of your event to Live on the date&time of your first session. As with a published page, you can Suspend your event as a case of extreme measure. This will not stop the live event from going on, but it will stop potential new attendees from getting new tickets.
Ended Once the last session date of your event is in the past, the event automatically progresses to “Ended” state. You can no longer modify event details with some exceptions (such as the post-event page). An ended event will stay in your dashboard indefinitely giving you access to any data collected during the event. You can use it to download attendee lists, check participation, download video recordings and chat transcripts. All in the “Post-event” section.
In exceptional situations you can “Re-open” an event by adding a new session.