Any good experience is multi-sensory. The world wide web is often concentrated only on the visual aspects. When there are sounds, they are usually limited to alerts and alarms which is a very utilitarian approach.

Soundscapes within Hypersay Events tries to fix this by adding an aural dimension to your event. Real-world events were the inspiration for the way we designed the overall experience. Each room you enter has a certain sound and echo.

Within Hypersay Events you can add background music or ambience sound to set the mood for your event to mimic that Real-world effect. You can use either an audio file (e.g. MP3) or a sound stream (e.g. an internet or custom radio station). Soundscapes can be either specific to a room (e.g. café ambience) or to the whole event (e.g. event radio or chill-out music).

When both room and event soundscapes exist, they are played at the same time, mixed together. When the stage is broadcasting or the attendee is engaged in a FrontRow the Soundscape volume is reduced to a very low level.

To configure Soundscapes, go to the Soundscapes section in the left sidebar of the event organize module.

At first you need to decide if you want the ambience to be for every room of the event or specific to a room, or both (e.g. music for the event, ambience sounds for certain rooms).

If you have an audio file (MP3, AAC, M4A) simply drag and drop it over the section of the page that you want it in. If the audio is hosted or streamed online, just paste the link in the Music, Streaming, Radio Station web address or Upload: box. Make sure to test it by using the play button on the right.
