FrontRow is a unique feature available only on the live event page within Hypersay Events. Attendees can create up-to-6-people networking groups before, during and after the event. Attendees can enter and exit multiple Front Rows during the course of the event. Attendees that create their own Front Rows can invite others to join.

How to join a FrontRow

  1. Go on the panel on the left hand side of the event page or on the right hand corner of the live event page.


  1. Select FrontRows list or click Browser FrontRows and a list of all existing FrontRows will appear. Enter immediately by clicking on "Join FrontRow'.

  2. Click Join FrontRow


  3. Read the instructions then click I am ready! Using headphones will allow you to listen to both the event and Front Row simultaneously without any background noise.

How to create your own FrontRow

  1. Go on the panel on the left hand side of the event page or on the right hand corner of the live event page.


  1. Select FrontRows list or click Create FrontRow
