Building an agenda is an integral part of any event. To build your event's smart agenda, go to the menu on the left and select Agenda


You can either click + Add an agenda item or + Add to this day and a pop-up window will appear.

The difference is that, if you select Add to this day, the Date field is auto-populated and the Agenda item will be added to that specific day.


Fill in the required fields:

Title: the title of the session

Date: date

Start At: the starting time

End At: the ending time

Short Description: the description of the session

Type: Select the type of the session

Streaming - session on Stage

Networking - session on a Space

Idle - idle time or breaks

Room this happens in - where this session takes place:

In the Lobby

On one of the Stages

On one of the Spaces

Speakers - select the Speaker(s) for this session [link to how you add Speakers]

<aside> 💡 Note: we automatically detect date / time collisions. We will alert you about agenda items outside the official calendar of the event [link to configuring the single and multi-day events] or overlapping agenda items. If you intend to run multi-track events, see below!
